VIDEO: Bluebirds Feed Tiny Chicks

Western Bluebirds, using the Oak Titmouses' nestbox from last year, are feeding chicks! Chicks perk up and peep when mom lands on a branch with her insect bounty.


In the 40 second VIDEO clip below both parents feed hungry chicks.

The female, carrying a mouthful of nest material, waits for her mate to leave. April 7

VIDEO: Bluebird parents feed chicks. Mathews NESTFLIX feature #3.

After last year’s showdown when the Oak Titmouse parents won out in a bluebird takeover attempt, it seemed like no birds were going to use the nest box in 2022. I’m so happy to see bluebirds raising a family.

Female bluebird adds grass to nest. April 6.

Lots of birds are hatching and fledging at this time of year, so if you have an outdoor cat please consider having them wear a bird-safe collar and/or limiting their time outdoors.

For more information on installing nest boxes for bluebirds, and loads of other helpful information and making your yard or neighborhood bird friendly, check out the N. American Bluebird Society.

Feel free to share this newsletter with other bird lovers. Happy birding!


Beth Ann Mathews

Beth Ann Mathews, marine biologist, wildlife photographer, and writer in Sonoma County, CA.


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