Radio Interview with Suzanne Lang NPR-KRCB

This week I had my first radio interview for my upcoming book, Deep Waters: A Memoir of Loss, Alaska Adventure, and Love Rekindled. And yes, the prospect made me nervous. What if I say something stupid? Or too personal? Or not detailed enough? What if I freeze up and can’t answer a question?

Susanne M. Lang in her KRCB studio recording her NPR podcast “A Novel Idea.” (Photo: Author Peter Richardson)

(Our interview will air Sunday, April 30, 2023 10:00-11:00 AM Pacific Time)

As soon as Suzanne began the interview, all those self-conscious jitters melted away. I was in the hands (or headset?) of a skilled interviewer. She’d read my book. All of it. She’d prepared thoughtful, insightful questions, and some that dove deep. She seemed to understand who I am, even though we’d never met or spoken before then.

I didn’t fidget or wish it would end. Instead, I lost track of time, as if Suzanne and I were long-ago friends who bumped into each other at an airport and there wasn’t enough time to connect.

We spoke on Zoom but only used the audio portion which made it easier to focus. I was glad our conversation was recorded and not broadcast live. She is a gifted interviewer.

I answered questions about personal topics in my book, and I don’t regret how I responded. Well. At least not yet. I haven’t heard the recording.

I hope you’ll join Suzanne Lang’s A Novel Idea interview with me about Deep Waters which will be broadcast on Sunday, April 30, 2023, 10:00-11:00 AM PST (1 PM EST). Listen on KRCB-FM 104.9. You can also Stream from anywhere you happen to be by visiting

After April 30 catch the recorded interview at Suzanne’s NPR Podcast: A Novel Idea. 


On the Events page, there’s now a list of upcoming in-person bookstore readings and signings in California, Alaska, Washington, and Indiana as well as other scheduled interviews, which will be updated weekly.

I’d love to see you if you can attend an event, or hear from you if you tune in.


Boating Photo

Boat Selfie Beth Ann Mathews

I recently rediscovered this photo from when we were anchored in Bahia Tortugas, or Turtle Bay, Mexico. Glen (~11) was on the foredeck creating giant bubbles which hovered, shimmering, for many seconds. I noticed our reflection and ran down below to grab my camera. I took several photos, but wasn’t sure how they’d turn out. I was super happy when I reviewed the images up on my laptop and there was our reflection!

Coming Soon . . . Nature Note: Blue Whales

In my next note, I’ll share some photos and bits of cool natural history about blue whales from an exciting research project Jim and I volunteered for.

I hope you enjoy these bits of the inside story of writing and publishing along with nature notes.

If for any reason, you’d rather not receive these e-postcards, as I think of them, with wildlife observations, boating adventures, and creative writing updates, feel free to opt out (below)—no hard feelings at all.

If, on the other hand, you know someone who might enjoy these stories and photos, or want to know more about what it’s like to publish a first book, feel free to forward this email or invite them to sign up at It’s always easy to unsubscribe.

Thank you for checking in!



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